connector guide
not sure what to choose? refer to our connector guide!
3.5mm basic:-
- phones/tablets
- mp3 players
- daps
- laptop/desktops
- other audio devices
- amps, portable amps
3.5mm hifiman trrs:-
- hifiman balanced players
- sony zxseries daps
- other players/amps supporting 3.5mm balanced output
2.5mm ak trrs
- ak balanced daps
- onkyo dpx1
- looto paw
- shure iems
- newer westone iems - w10, um10pro - w60, um50pro etc
- "single dynamic" customs look alike from aliexpress, taobao, carousell
- moxpad iems
- senfer UE iems
- JVC iems *please request for JVC cables as straight down wearing cables
- other mmcx based iems
- sony xba series iems may be able to use but not recommended
2 pin(recessed) fits both recessed and flat 2 pin iems
- most customs/universals iems
- older westone iems - um3x rc, westone 4r etc
- heir audio, unique melody, noble audio universals
- earsonics
fitear: -
- fitear iems
- soranik iems
sony xba: -
- sony xba series iems
ie80: -
- sennheiser ie80, ie8
ath: -
- old gen audio technica ath series iems
tf10: -
- UE tf10, sf3pro, sf5pro, sf5eb
- flc8, flc8s (inform us before hand that it is flc)
extruded 2pin:-
- QDC, unique melody, UE customs